Friday, October 05, 2007

Quality link.............

Check this link out.

Definitely talking about us!!!

Along the lines of:

"I'm collars_up and I am addicted to........"


Smiling Assassin said...

How true. What he forgot to mention though was the sense of injustice. Your team always seems like the most unlucky (you get a perverse pleasure in counting how many injuries or suspensions you've got, so that you can get to the magic 5 where you're allowed to claim that half your team is out). The flipside is true too. Other players are jammy as fuck. Lescott being Everton's top scorer. Hreirdarrson scoring for 2 games in a row. Absolutely disgusting.

Sonofabaker said...

Not jammy oh smilling assasin one, merely calculated....

Good football awareness and a 'know your market attitude' approach my friend. Much like you with Elano really. I know that you've been keeping tabs on him whilst at Shakthar Donesk for the past 3 years. You've been waiting for him to come to premiership so he could play a role in your team...

Early days pal, your boks mean nothing!!!

Smiling Assassin said...

Boks? I did my homework on Elano my friend. What, you think I shut my eyes and let my finger drop onto the page?

'Know your market attitude', eh? Fucking comedian. Is that the market in which Hreirdarsson scored 3 goals in 132 games for Charlton or the Lescott who scored twice all of last season? Ade na se tho...

Sonofabaker said...

Shouldn't it be 'Ela-no se tho'....

For the record I read pre-season that both Hreidarsson and Lescott were very disappointed at their previous strike rates and that this was to be the season were they remedied that... So there...

Smiling Assassin said...

I want evidence. Links please.

Sonofabaker said...

I'll get back to you re evidence. Anyway, where are the scores?

Smiling Assassin said...

That's Mike's job, although I've just offered to take over until Xmas if he wants a break. This is what I make it:

1st Stathi 110
2nd Rico 102
3rd Nick Ath 94
4th Nick PC 90
5th Mike 77
6th Sid 75
7th Theo 68
8th James 44
9th Don 36

As for the evidence, there is none because you're making that shit up.

Collars Up said...

The scores will be up soon. I'm just getting over the fact that Hereiddsson scored and kept a clean sheet!!!
Oh, and also as I am now officially the manager of Brotherhood United Football Club!

Smiling Assassin said...

Congratulations mate. The first rung on the ladder to stardom, I'm sure.