Wednesday, September 25, 2013

FFL Week 6

Not a good week for our leader, who only managed a solitary point. And so Harry nips into the lead, which is a slender one. Here's the table:

  1st Harry 69
3 2nd James 66
3 3rd Nick Ath 66
12 4th Mike 57
13 5th Theo 56
15 6th Sid 54
20 7th Don 49
26 8th Stathis 43
38 9th Nick Ach 31

There were several transfers:

Brady in, Giaccherini out
Nastasic in, Lescott out

Amalfitano in, Cole out

Kolarov in, Johnson out
Dyer in, Ramirez out

Sid tried to buy Fonte for Whittaker, hoping that no one would notice the exchange of a full back for a centre back. Worth a try though, eh Sid?

Your Chairman


Mighty Mouse said...

Yo Mr Chairman, how about a copy of the latest spreadsheet?

Smiling Assassin said...

Did you not get it on my email. I'll send everyone a copy of it with the latest update.