Sunday, November 18, 2012

FFL Week 11

Here is the latest table with two weeks worth of scores

Plenty of tears and bemoaning of his luck and yet TC is right in contention, only 27 points off the top.

With Tevez and Cazorla amassing 14 points it was a good haul but not enough for team of the week.

Pieri brothers right in McNick's slip stream. Rico also scored 14 with 11 from his front pair ensuring he still has the most prolific attack (54 points)

Top score goes to yours truly with 19 thanks to seven players scoring and a total of 8 points just from the north London Derby (promise I won't mention this again messrs Stathi, Sid, Don and TC).

Interesting stat:

McNick top with the best midfield (70 points)
Rico second with the best attack (54 points)
Pieri Snr third with the best defence (46 points)

Harry wins the Sir Alex "when will you fucking learn? Stop using your tombola to pick a team and realise that Giggs and Scholes cannot play together in the same team" Ferguson award for fuck up of the week with -5 points.

Here is the table:

Here is the only sub that was eligible for THIS weekend:

Nick PC
Lambert OUT Hernandez (Chicarito) IN


Smiling Assassin said...

Am I the only one to note a postitive correlation between a high-scoring for the chairman and the speed of a blog update?

Being chased by the Pieri brothers - pure slapstick.

Unknown said...

Contention: I swear I got 14 points this weekend and a few the week before. Are my scores right?