Tuesday, August 23, 2011

FFL Week Two

Shall we hand over the trophy to city now? Good grief, the hyperbole and over the top reactions generated by the media in this country are something to behold.

On the basis of two games against the might of Swansea and the inbreds of Notlob, city have been made out to the second coming. Yes, they have played well, yes they have scored goals, yes they top the league..............BUT it's week two.

On the basis of the tabloid hype shall give up on FFL and award the trophy to Rico??? Of course not. Yes he top scored with 20 this week. Yes his strikers are firing (14 points in two weeks) but it is only week two and we know it is a long haul.

It certainly has been a baptism of fire for Harold the First of Chingford. I don't know who has had the worse week, Harry or Wenger?

He again bottom scored with -1 taking his fortnights total to a measly ONE. It's tough at the top Harry. This is the Champions League of FFL not the Championship.

Elsewhere four points separate 2nd to 5th.

Here is this week's table with the added addition of a weekly score column:

(points do not include Tottenham's mauling by Fergie's Foetuses)
Transfers this week:

Two from Harry
Coleman OUT Jarvis IN
Zabaleta OUT Wilson IN


Interim Chairman no.1

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