Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week Six

In anticipation of another heavy week of marking you can't get quicker service than this - just hours after the final whistle in the final game of the weekend!

This week's manager of the week is Nick PC with a hefty 16 but still leaves him double figures behind early pace-setter DP who himself scored a healthy 12.

Brothers Pieri are a mere seven points behind in joint second thanks to 10 pts (Rico) and 11 pts (me) scored this week.

Harry gets his best weekly total so far meaning that the Peter 'I'll play it safe and not give a pen when it is a pen and not send off Woodgate even though I should 'cos I'm playing it safe but I'm actually a shit ref and bottle every big decision' Walton award goes to reigning champion TC with a rather pathetic ONE.

Interesting stats (for me anyway)

Total points scored for all managers in three areas are as follows:

Defence: 120 (total players 50)
Midfield: 162 (total players 40)
Attack: 165 (total players 20)

Giving average points per player in each area as follows:
Defence: 2.4
Midfield: 4.05
Attack: 8.25

Attackers doing much better defenders and midfielders put together. The conclusion? Myself, James, and TC are fucked. Between us our 'attackers' have scored 20 points. Contrast this with Rico's South American superstar frontline of 37!

Here is the (full) table with added extra bit:

I'll check transfers (if any) during the week and post them.


Your referee-hating, stats-loving chairman

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