Sunday, November 27, 2011

Latest FFL scores.............week 13

Gentlemen sincere apologies for the lack of FFL activity and score posting.

It has been a ridiculously busy 10 days or so - I won't bore you but it has involved the Premier League Enterprise Challenge at White Hart Lane (taking students on Sunday and all day Monday). It has also included loads of school footy matches - I'm proud to say my footy boys are currently in the last 64 of the national cup (from 792 entries!), the last 8 of the County Cup and the last 8 of the Enfield Cup and I even managed to drive a group of my 15 top students to Cambridge University on a Saturday for an inspirational day. And you lot say I shouldn't strike? Bollocks to that - I should be GIVEN a day off!

Having watched this afternoon's match it struck me - Balotelli is totally bonkers, Charlie Adam has been infected with the Luiz Suarez 'diving disease', Joe Hart is the real deal and Stewart Downing is FUCKING SHIT!

Oh and whenever I think of the money Ferguson spunked on Berbatov all I have to do is think of Carroll and a smile appears on my face!

I'm sorry but Carroll, Downing and Henderson HAD to be a bung job.

Anyway, not much has changed FFL-wise. I'm still top. DP has been usurped into second by Nick PC who must be creaming his pants with Adebayor and wishing he never agreed to play for Togo again. Taking into account last Monday's brace for Spurs against Villa, the Elephant washers son amassed an impressive 14 points in a week. Add to that Mata's 7 and it is no surprise Nick PC top scored with 26 this week.

McNick had his best week so far with 17 and closed the gap on Harry 'one man band just like the team he supports' Chara at the bottom of the table.

The "what the fuck were you watching you blind cunting wanker of an assistant referee and as for you you dumb arse spinless shit of a referee why did you overturned your original decision after Ferdinand's best tackle this decade?" award for lameness this weekend goes to Sid with a big fat zero.

Here are the scores:

Recent transfers:

Baird IN Gregera OUT

Kolarov IN Zabaletta OUT

Krull IN Begovic OUT

This week's transfers (if any) will be posted later this week.


Your chairman

PS Anyone hear me on Talksport?

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