Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Week whatever it is................

Sorry chaps

Been way too busy / lazy / preoccupied / resigned to not winning it this year (delete as appropriate) to update the scores.

What's been happening in the world of football since I have been away?

It's a fahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhct, Chelsea are now managed by the FSW (fat Spanish waiter)  - fucking hilarious. YCMIU.

Between the plastic fans at the Emptihad and the Bin Laden I'm not sure who boo the loudest.

United still have no midfield and the only player who looked like helping in this area (Anderson) has again injured his fat arse.

Spurs fans are back in love with AVB...........well some of them, sometimes, when they win / score / don't concede / don't sub Defoe (please delete as appropriate)

Stewart Downing has still not scored in the league

I have been to watch England schoolboys (Wales and Derbyshire) as much as United this season (twice!)

In the FFL, I have done some auditing and I found out that I had not included any points for McNick's Ramirez for a few weeks (total 5). As a result, the three time (soon to be fourth time) champion has a very healthy lead.

Subs this week:

Carroll (£35 million 'footballer' on loan...........ha ha ha ha ha ha ha) OUT Lambert IN

Nani OUT Puncheon IN
Gervinho OUT Lukaku IN

Cabaye OUT Johnson (of the Andy at Sunderland variety) IN

Coming to the point of the season where I think it is someone elses turn to do all this - seriously struggling with time at the moment. So, as the bus conductor used to say "next please"


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