Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week Ten


Another week and another bizarre set of results.

We've had United 8-2 Arsenal, United 1-6 city, Spurs 4-0 Liverpool and this week Chelsea 3-5 Arsenal!!!!

Incredible action, attacking football at it's best but let's be honest there has been some horrendous defending.

This is why the Premier League is THE most watched domestic league in the world because there are so many bloody mistakes.

Also lets look at some of these supposed top defences:

  • United have had 10 different central defensive partnerships this season TEN - and Johnny Evans STILL gets a game.
  • If Santos can play at this level I'm digging out my boots.
  • Mertesecaker? What the fuck???
  • I've already said on here how David Luiz has been found out as a mediocre defender. Great hair, shit feet.
  • Is it a coincidence that Liverpool got a clean sheet when Carragher isn't playing? - never seen a top level player blow out of his arse in the first five minutes - talk about playing on reputation.
  • And then the best bit of 'defending' is gravity again letting John Terry know who is boss - what an utter cunt of man.
And so on and on.......................Hansen, Neville, Gray eat your heart out.

Anyway, this week, Chelsea's defensive woes hit three-time champion McNick hard.....very hard. His -8 courtesy of two Chelsea defenders led to an overall total of -2 and wins this week's Ashley "I once nearly drove my car off the road because I wanted 3K a week more from my boyhood football club so I jumped ship and joined Spartak Chelski, played well for some seasons but this weekend was utterly bummed (which incidentally I am quite partial to if there is a mobile phone involved) by that world class, stunning footballing talent that is er, um, oh hold on...Theo Walcott" Cole award for a dreadful 90 minutes. Add to that he is an integral member of Cunt FC and it is easy to see why he sponsors this week's award.

As much as McNick hates this game this week (this year?), Harry must have been beside himself and is manager of the week thanks to 11 points from the magnificent RvP. Add a goal from Carroll (remember him - £35m??? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA) and Harry top scored with a mammoth 21 points - an almost 31% increase on his season's total.

DP closed the gap at the top to just five but the big winners at the top were Rico (17 points) and James (14 points).

Here is the table:

Interesting to note McNick has a negative total for his defence more than quarter ito the season (sorry I don't mean to McNick bash thsi week but just found it a nice stat to quote......)

Transfers (if any) after tomorrow's deadline.


Your chairman................


Any non-AFC fan find the celebrations at the final whistle at the Bridge a tad over the top? Great performance (going forward), great player (RvP), significant result but it's OCTOBER and its ONLY THREE POINTS. Sheesh........

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